Be Yourself

affirmations apple believe in yourself born worthy build confidence claire fealy healer healing health and wellbeing katie mckenna lessons morning affirmations present sit with yourself trauma response wake up worthy women of worth podcast worthy you are enough Apr 11, 2022

“You never have to be anything but yourself.”


This is something that we often forget. We live our lives with so many outside opinions always coming in. Social media, friends, and family all impact how we present ourselves. But is that really how we need to live?

When we experience things like trauma, it greatly impacts how we interact with the world. We may become more reserved, turn to people-pleasing, all as a way to cope with our environment after the experience we’ve been through. We can get stuck in one of the four survival responses, fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, and it can impact us down to our being.

That is why it’s so important to know that YOU are your own greatest healer. Although something like this can’t be healed over night, sitting with yourself can really help your healing process.


“The most profound thing I did for my healing was sitting with myself.”


Here are some affirmations that you can use. These can be used while you sit with yourself, take a walk, or even as you brush your teeth in the morning.


  • I am enough, I do enough, I have enough.
  • I am whole, worthy and complete.
  • All of my peace and power is in the present.
  • I am safe, loved and I matter.
  • Life is always happening for me.
  • I focus on the lessons and blessings.
  • I am my own greatest healer.
  • I am seen, heard, and valued.


“Your core values are like your joy GPS.”


Positive affirmations are not just quotes. They have the power to completely rewire your brain. Remember that your brain’s job is survival not happiness. It will pump out thoughts all day long in order to survive.

When we are in the process of getting unstuck from a trauma response, or even just shutting down negative thinking, having positive thoughts will be extremely important.

We can’t change anything if we can’t change the way we think. Perception is reality. Let go of the thoughts that are not serving you and retrain your brain to focus on the thoughts that do serve you.





For more information on the four responses and becoming your own greatest healer, check out the podcast episode on Apple or on Spotify.

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