Life is a journey and all you can do is your best! with Amy Guy

4 steps to lifelong magnetic confidence affirmations apple believe in yourself blog born worthy build confidence claire fealy coaching confidence confidence movement emotions health and wellbeing idenitity magnetic confidence tips and tricks women of worth podcast worthy of love you are enough May 30, 2022

When you’re so focused on watering your own grass, and you’re focused on your own interests and passions, you don’t have time to sit and wonder what others are thinking.

Social media makes it really easy to compare ourselves to others. I know I’ve found myself scrolling for hours on end wondering why my life couldn’t be like the ones I see. 


  • The people who were traveling.
  • The people who had dream jobs.
  • The people who had it all.


What we often forget is that what we’re seeing online is whatever people want us to see. Rarely do we see posts about getting let go from a job, struggling financially, or not having it all together- but we have to remember that those parts still exist.


“You think that people are judging you and not supporting you- prove them wrong.”

It’s time to put down the phone and log off of social media. If you want to let go of what other’s think of you, it’s time to follow these steps.

1. Focus on your passions.


There’s nothing better than doing what you love. It’s true freedom. When you’re focused on your own interests and passions, you don’t have time to sit and wonder what others are thinking. Get invested in yourself! In your passions! You won’t even have time to give to the people who aren’t there to support you.

2.  Know what makes you happy and what works for you.


One person’s heaven can be another person’s hell. In order to truly be happy, you can’t rely on what others are doing (online or in real life). You have to figure out what it is you really want and how that will create happiness in your life. Would travel bring you happiness or do you just want to travel because someone else is? Sit with yourself and figure out what you truly want. Set the goals to make that dream a reality.

 3. Don’t be hard on yourself.


Not everyone is going to like and agree with everything you do- and that’s okay! There’s no reason to take it out on yourself. We are each entitled to our very own opinions, and that includes our decisions, our content, our businesses, ect..  Spend time on your own to work through the feelings. Let the emotions and thoughts pass through you, and then release them. Now, on to your next amazing move.


Remember that this is a journey. All you can do is your best- and trust me, that is more than enough.




For more on letting go of other’s thoughts, check out the podcast episode.

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