How to Turn 2022 into the Best Year of Your Life

Jan 10, 2022

“It is better to have a short life doing what you love, than a long life doing what you hate.”

2021 was a genuinely hard year. I recently was going through my memories of this year and reflecting on how it started. I started 2021: 

- with no compassion for myself - consumed with fear by what others thought of me

- prioritizing anything and everything that wasn’t my health or happiness

It was no way to live.

That is why I made 2021 my year.

“You are your own greatest healer.”  

When I decided to turn the year around, it took a lot of work- but most importantly inner work. When you have inner success, that’s when you start to have outer success as well. So I took the step to create that inner success. 

I had compassion for myself.  

The starting place is truly being kind to yourself. I finally realized that I was never going to get better if I continued speaking to myself the way I did. I wasn’t going to be able to turn my year around with hating myself. Instead, I chose to uplift myself by showing myself compassion and allowing myself to feel happy without any regrets.

I overcame what other people thought of me.

I prioritized being happy and healthy over being liked. Other’s opinions have so much more to do with them than it has to do with you. When anyone tells you something negative, it is reflective of how they feel about themselves. When I stopped letting those negative thoughts in, I was able to live to the fullest. 

Everything I did in 2021, I did scared.

When you take the leap to try something new (like a hobby, a new Instagram account, a podcast), it is terrifying. You have that immediate gut feeling of, “I can’t do this” and “It won’t work”. But here’s the thing…It’s okay to be scared. Do what you want to do anyways! If you overcome fear in 2022, it will truly be the year of YOU.


“Make 2022 the year of YOU.”

Make this the year of you. Treat yourself kinder, love yourself harder, and set those achievable goals that will push you to be the best version of yourself. So here are my top 5 things that you can do to own 2022.

  1. Write at least one page of all the things that went right in 2021 because you won’t ever attract more into your life if you don’t appreciate what you already have.

  2. Plan 2022 from a place of whole-ness. Don’t plan it from a place of wanting more, plan it around enjoying the journey and enjoying 2022.

  3. Get clear on what would need to happen for you to call 2022 an amazing year.

  4. Start with a big goal and reverse engineer it. Then take the steps and stay consistent.

  5. Get rid of bullsh*t beliefs. Your beliefs impact your behavior and stand in your way.

  6. Daily habits: Your goals should be broken down into things you can do everyday to maintain your health and happiness.

  7. Meditation, movement, mood: Make space for each of these every single day.

“I am worth loving. I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist.”

If you are looking for help to make 2022 the year of you, look no further! I am so excited to be offering so many amazing programs to help guide you into the new year.

Master Your Mindset Course:

Master Your Mindset Minimind: 

Become Your Best Self: Happy New Year! 



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