Client Interview: Overcoming Overwhelm
Feb 28, 2022
“Coaching is the best investment you will give yourself.”
This week I was joined by my incredible client, Ursula, to talk about her journey through mindset coaching.
It can be so challenging to take the step to join coaching. I put off coaching for years, instead just reading the books and gaining the information. What I didn’t think to do was implement it.
“Before the lock down we were so go-go-go, and we didn’t even know there was another way.”
For a lot of people, the lockdowns brought about change. Change in routines, relationships, and work. When we were stuck at home, we had the opportunity to slow down for the first time. Just like Ursula experienced, during lockdown we had loads of time to work on ourselves, but when lockdown ended, we were left not wanting to go back to the hustle.
“During our time, I connected with my feelings and connected with my true selves.”
When you first start on the coaching journey, it can look a few different ways. It may be a 1:1 session, a group session, or an online, self-paced course. All of these provide incredible support that is molded to shape your personal journey!
For Ursula, she joined me as a 1:1 client looking to reduce the overwhelm she felt in her day-to-day life. She does an incredible job at her salon, but she barely had time to appreciate it with how many hours she was working. Her vacation felt more like guilt ridden escapes, and her time at home wasn’t enjoyable.
To create the boundaries she needed, we worked heavily on the ability to put herself first. When you are someone who is so used to giving yourself, it is incredibly challenging to put yourself in the front of the line.
We incorporated exercise into her routine, because a moving body is a happy one! We discovered that another set of hands in her salon would help to ease the anxiety, so she hired someone on. Everything we talked about during our time together, she would implement in the days between. She implemented the information she gained and it worked.
Ursula’s Top 3 Things You Can Implement to Take Your Power Back
After an incredible journey over the course of 12 weeks, Ursula was able to come up with 3 big take-aways from our time together.
1. Give yourself more time and be more organized.
“I was always in a rush every morning because I left it to the last minute, I wasn’t organized. Now I organize the night before and I get up with loads of time in the morning.”
2. Be grateful for the small things
“Really look at your life and what you already have- and not looking for what’s next, what can I do now. Just something small.
I was always in a rush in the morning, trying to take my kids to the baby sitter. Now I get up earlier, and we have time together. I brought her her bottle, and she crawled into my lap, and I just thought ‘I’m going to sit here and enjoy this’. I had a really happy moment where I was like ‘This is what it’s all about’.”
3. Give away the tasks that others can do for you.
These steps are the perfect way to take control. Ursula was able to create these steps because we identified her blind spots- things in her life that she couldn’t see on her own.
The reason you work with a coach is to see your blind spots. We can’t see our own blind spots, so a coach can guide you to see what they are, identify the stories you tell yourself to enforce them, and change the narrative.
Remember, life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured.
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