What is a Mindset Coach and Do I Need One?

Nov 22, 2020

Do you ever have a feeling (that you just can’t shake) of ‘there has to be more to life’ or ‘there’s something holding me back but I just don’t know what'. You feel like you’re just on autopilot a lot of the time.

You really struggle with procrastination, overwhelm or just a lack of confidence to achieve any goals that you set.

Having a negative mindset 

It’s not easy to recognise a negative mindset, let alone change it.  

I know this because I struggled with a really negative mindset for many years and I wasn’t even aware of how much it was holding me back. I kept getting stuck in cycles of a huge burst of motivation followed by the inevitable burnout and “why even bother” mindset. No matter how hard I tried I kept going back to my old default negative mindset.

According to the bestselling author of ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself’, Dr Joe Dispenza, 95% of who you are by the time you are 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviours and emotional reactions that create an identity subconsciously.

The 5% of your conscious mind (the part of you that wants to be healthier, meet a partner, get your dream job, etc.) is working against the 95% of what you've memorized subconsciously. Our subconscious mind is much stronger than our conscious mind.

"Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside changes with it." - Steve Maraboli

Trying to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, while having a negative mindset and limiting subconscious beliefs is like having your foot on the accelerator and brake at the same time. You aren’t really going anywhere, no matter how hard you push.

The conscious mind only controls 5% of our day, the other 95% is controlled by the subconscious (which is the autopilot). Your subconscious does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. It believes anything, whether it makes sense or not! A mindset coach can help you to unlock the power of your subconscious mind and help you to rewire it for more happiness, success and freedom.

A lot of the time our conscious goals are not aligned with our subconscious mind. For example, I had a client who consciously wanted to lose 10lbs and look slimmer and feel better about herself. Subconsciously, however, she had beliefs that she always quits so what’s the point. She could never stay on the 'bandwagon' and she believed that falling off was just inevitable. She had a classic 'all or nothing' mindset.

Here's how limiting beliefs like that work:

Beliefs: You may believe that losing weight is really hard and not sustainable long term, or that you never keep it off so why even bother!

Behaviours: This leads to behaviours of starting a diet and lasting a week, setting unrealistic weight loss goals that you never hit, constantly weighing yourself and any other self sabotaging behaviour that confirms all of your negative subconscious beliefs about weight loss.

Emotions: Thinking about losing weight makes you feel like a failure (based on past experiences), hopeless and defeated. Not exactly a great starting point for becoming the healthiest, fittest version of yourself!

A mindset coach helps you to uncover existing beliefs like these in your mind. We will work to uncover any mental blocks and other unhelpful thought patterns you might have that will help you to see the world in a new way.

By changing the way you see yourself and the world around you, mindset coaching can help you to improve your attitude, behaviour and daily habits. It can also help to give you a new outlook on life.

Mindset Coaching will work for you if you:

  • Really want to make lasting, positive changes in your life

  • Feel stuck and want to move forwards quickly and easily

  • Have some limiting beliefs or repeating thought patterns which you know are getting in the way of living life the way you want to

  • Have lost your momentum. You’re just cruising along in first or second gear and you know you want to get back up into forth or fifth

  • You want to discover your purpose and get more clarity about what you really want in life.

In mindset coaching we work together to bridge the gap between your current reality and the where you would like to be. We realign your beliefs, behaviours and emotions with your goals. Mindset coaching is an investment in yourself and the life you dream of.  

If you are interested in Mindset Coaching why not try a free 20 minute consultation and see if we would be a good fit for each other? Drop me a message and start to take back control of your life today. Your future self will thank you for it!


  • Discover how to connect with your core values and completely change your life. Grab a copy of my free PDF guide Connect With Your Values in the freebies section.

  • To contact and connect with me: Email: [email protected] IG: @clairefealymindsetcoach

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