How To Overcome Your Inner Critic - 10 Powerful Strategies

Aug 16, 2021

“We can’t hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love.”Lori Deschene

You have between 60-80,000 thoughts a day. That’s 60-80,000 chances to build yourself up or tear yourself down.

As a coach I often hear, ‘I just wish I wasn’t so hard on myself’, ‘I’m so nice to other people but so hard on myself’, 'I just never feel good enough', 'I care too much what others think'. Their inner critic is definitely in the driver's seat.

So many of us are quietly and privately extremely hard on ourselves

Like my clients, most of my life has been spent trying to escape a really harsh inner critic. I even traveled to some 45 countries and I can tell you now, my inner critic followed me to EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.THEM.

Lying on a beautiful white-sand beach in Zanzibar sipping a cocktail with the waves crashing in the background my inner critic would suddenly pounce, 'What are you doing with your life? Yea this place is amazing but you're still single and times ticking! PS: Remember that big argument you had last year? You really need to go over that again, what you should have said....!'.

Que the shame spiral that sucks you out of this pristine perfect present moment and sends you smack bang into stress city......

 Sound familiar? 

Here's the hard truth, you will never get the years back spent self-hating. Imagine getting to the end of your life and realising that there was nothing wrong with you all along. What a waste of a life spent criticising yourself, others, and everything about your life.  

It is so important to learn how to manage your inner critic because our thoughts affect our actions, behaviour, attitudes, and eventually the results that we get in life!

It doesn’t matter how cruel your inner critic may be, you absolutely can overcome it. If I can, anyone can! In this blog, I’m going to talk to you about the role of your inner critic and why ignoring it is the worst thing you can do!

Download your FREE 5 Steps to Tame Your Inner Critic Workbook here!

What is The Inner Critic?

Your inner critic is the negative internal running commentary in your mind. It is made up of all of the judgments (or perceived judgments) that you internalised as truths over time. The destructive thought patterns you subconsciously learnt as a child, left unchecked, will control the direction of your life.

Your inner critic can be repetitive, persistent, and irrational. it's like a bad song that you just can't get out of your head. The more you try the worse it gets. It reminds you of your mistakes, inadequacies, and failures. It hates uncertainty, vulnerability and can really magnify your insecurities. Sometimes it's disguised as motivational.

Its core message is 'I'm inferior, incompetent, unlovable or unwanted. It is rooted in fear, shame, guilt, and worry.

Early childhood experiences massively shape our subconscious mind and core beliefs about ourselves, other people, and the world around us. These are formed at a time when we have limited emotional, cognitive, and reasoning skills. This is where your limiting beliefs come from.

Our brain functions on a confirmation and negativity bias. This means that it is always confirming and searching for evidence to prove its theories.

Stories like:

'The only way to receive love and attention is through achievement'

'The only way to receive love is to stay invisible'

'The only way to feel okay and receive love is to make sure that everyone else is happy'

The stories that helped you survive in childhood cause you to sabotage as an adult.  

Your subconscious mind created these to help protect you. They have been reinforced throughout your life. Left unchecked these stories can subconsciously run and ruin our lives as adults.

Your Stories Create Your Reality

These core beliefs lead to a negative internal commentary that sounds like:

  • You’re such a loser/failure

  • Nobody likes you/cares about you

  • You’ll never go far so don’t even try!

These negative stories about ourselves then become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our brain is wired to confirm what we tell it and ignore information that goes against it. Subconsciously you keep attracting people, circumstances, and problems that confirm these beliefs. 

Negative self-talk will never give you the life you desire.

“Let go of the knife you are holding at your throat, the knife of shame, blame, fear and remorse.”- Elizabeth Gilbert

Your Inner Critic Is Not The Problem

Here's the thing, self-criticism is really common. We all have an inner monologue that is narrating our lives. Thoughts and emotions are involuntary and just part of how our mind and body works.

The real problem is the unobserved mind. Negative thoughts can turn into facts if they’re not observed. When our inner critic is triggered it can send us into an overwhelming wave of self-criticism. Criticism can be healthy and motivating. The problem is when your inner critic turns from constructive to destructive.

Ignoring your Inner Critic Is The Worst Thing You Can Do

A subconscious inner critic leads to self-sabotage.

Clients come to me looking to ‘silence’ or ‘get rid of their inner critic. Here’s the thing, you will never get rid of your inner critic. The more you resist your inner critic the more it persists.

It plays a really important role. At its core, your inner critic is trying to get your needs met and keep you safe. Self-doubt is self-protection. Your inner critic cares more about your belonging than it does about your big dreams. That's why

Learn to manage it with these mental-strength strategies that actually work so you're in control of it rather than it being in control of you.

 10 Powerful Strategies To Get Your Inner Critic On-Side

  1. Awareness: you can’t change what you’re not aware of. A lot of the time these stories and thoughts have been going since childhood and we are completely unaware of them. You have to become familiar with your thoughts and thought patterns if you want to change them. The best way to do this is through journaling and meditation. Making the subconscious conscious allows you to change your programming. Download my FREE journal to help get you started.

  2. Get out of your head: a lot of rumination comes from too much time to think. Our mind becomes an echo chamber of limiting beliefs. Notice when your mind is like a raging river of thoughts. You will never think your way out of a bad mood. Move to boost mood. Put on a playlist, call a friend, go for a walk, clean your room. Do something to break the chatter in your mind that is keeping you stuck.

  3. Roleplay: Ask yourself ‘If a friend was going through this, what would I say to them?’. I bet it wouldn’t be ‘You’re such a loser. Just get over it. What’s wrong with you?. If you did, you probably wouldn’t be friends anymore. I use this technique with clients a lot and it’s really effective. Usually, there are tears when clients realise how hard they really are on themselves. Remember, self-talk has the power to make or break you.

  4. Focus on your strengths: balance self-improvement with self-acceptance. I used to be an information addict, constantly looking for the next book with the answers to all my problems. Transformation comes from implementation, not information. If information were enough, we’d all be rich, skinny, and living our best lives. Make time for meditation and doing the things you love!

  5. Create an inner critic character: give him/her/it a name. What do they look like, sound like, say all the time? What triggers your inner critic? Have some fun creating the character! It’s healthy to laugh at the way our mind works. My inner critic character is Ms. Trunchball from the movie Matilda. I can laugh now when she goes into full-on attack mode!

  6. Clarify the stories they have on repeat (you’re a crap teacher/mother/friend, why are you so lazy?, you’ll never be able to find someone, etc.). Do a massive brain dump. Write out all those horrible things you say to yourself. This makes the unconscious things you say to yourself consciously and is the first step to change.

  7. Commit - Decide that those stories don’t serve you anymore and they no longer get any airtime! You can even destroy the list - rip it up or burn it and commit to changing the stories you tell yourself.

  8. Challenge and change the messages - once you’re aware of the stories you can start to really notice them and change them. (Eg. I’m a crap teacher, why can't I be more like Ms. X?' changes to 'I’m a compassionate teacher and I really care about my students. They are so lucky to have such a caring teacher'.)

  9. Compassion - this one is so important. It’s all about tuning into your inner sage rather than your inner critic. Imagine the voice of your best friend inside your head saying ‘You are doing SO amazing’, ‘Look at everything you’ve achieved and overcome’, ‘You are such a great friend’. Start cultivating that voice today and decide that your mind now sounds like your best friend. Over time that will become your default mode.

  10. Inner child healing: If you really want to get to the root of the core beliefs and stories that are holding you back I highly recommend doing some inner child healing work. There are lots of free meditations and EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) videos on Youtube. I also highly recommend the book 'Homecoming' by John Bradshaw.

Usually, the inner critic and the thoughts and emotions that come from it are deeply ingrained. Taming your inner critic will take patience, practice, and persistence. Change is always hard at first. Your mind is always pulled back to what feels familiar (old limiting beliefs). Like learning how to drive a car, it will take a lot of conscious effort at first. It will seem really hard at first but with practice, it will become automatic.

You have to train your brain to work for you, not against you! Instead of my mind always dragging me back through the past or playing mental movies of the 'Fearful Future' I am now much more grounded in the present. I have a lot more energy, inner peace, and freedom.

My inner critic isn't in the driving seat anymore. She pipes up every now and again from the back seat, but that's ok because I'm the one that's driving now. Follow the above powerful strategies so you too can stick that annoying inner critic into the back seat, where it belongs!

Download your Inner Critic Freebie here. Transformation comes from implementation, not information! Use this freebie to help you get unstuck.


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