The High Price You Pay Having Low Self Worth
Dec 27, 2021“I am worthy because I am here. I am not worthy because of how much I get done. I am not worthy because of my relationship status. I am not worthy because of how many followers I have or how many likes I get.”
In the world we live in, it’s hard not to get attached to things that are outside of ourselves. We start believing that our self worth is only equivalent to what others see, or how we perform at work or at school, or how popular we are on social media. But what if I told you that you are worthy just because you are here? Just because you were born?
We mix up self worth and self esteem a lot. Self esteem can come and go; it’s linked more closely to feelings. Self worth on the other hand, is the idea that we deserve to be alive, be loved and deserve great things. The problem we face with self worth is that our brain is literally sabotaging us every chance it gets! When we have the thought, “Everyone leaves me” and then our brain’s confirmation bias sets in, anytime anyone leaves(or we push away) it confirms that thought. “I knew it. I was right about him. I knew she would leave.”
So How do We Make the Cycle of Low Self Worth Stop?
Step 1: Awareness.
This is where I started my own journey. The only way you can start using your brain so it works for you, not against you, is awareness. Awareness can look like sitting with your thoughts and excusing those that judge you.
Action: I want you for 1 minute, before you brush your teeth, to do self awareness. You are noticing, observing, and not judging. Be the observer.
Step 2: Journaling or Talking with Someone.
Now that you are gaining awareness, write it down or speak it out! After you sit alone with your thoughts, it’s important to revisit what came up. Did you find something new that you love about yourself? Did you find a strategy to help overcome the negative thoughts that surface? Write those things down and you’ll always be able to come back to them.
Action: Open up to a blank page in a journal and brain dump! Write down how you are feeling and give yourself the positive messages that you’ve
Step 3: Read a Helpful Book
When I first began my journey to working on self worth, I read more books than I had ever read. I was so excited to find amazing authors that shared their own stories and great advice to turning off your inner sabotager and turning on your self worth. My favorite books include:
The Mastery of Love Don Miguel Ruiz
Heal Your Life Louise Hay
The Gifts of Imperfection Berne Brown
Radical Acceptance Tara Brach
A New Earth Eckhart Tolle
"It’s never too late, or too early, to develop that unconditional self worth."
If I could have started this journey earlier in life, I would have, but I am so proud of myself for doing it now. Don’t tell yourself it’s too late to start working on your self worth. I can promise you that the moment you start will truly be life changing.
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