Hi, I'm Claire
I'm a teacher turned mindset expert on a mission to help women work through limiting beliefs that keep them feeling stuck and master their mindset for the magnetic confidence to live a happier and more meaningful life.
For years, I was a high achiever stuck in a really negative mindset, setting high expectations for myself and feeling like I was just failing my way through life. In 2019 l finally decided enough was enough! I hired a life coach, mastered my mindset, and took control of my future.
Now I’m living with passion and purpose every day. I’m so passionate about helping others to do the same through the power of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques.
If you don’t love your life,
have the courage to change it.
One small step at a time!
Create a mindset that empowers you, get clear on the future you really want, remove the limiting blocks in your way and live life with more confidence, happiness and success.
“Loved how you shared your story and hearing about your journey. I loved all the scientific evidence. My biggest takeaway was how to be an active listener. Great talk, very engaging and looking forward to the next one".
MARCIA | February 2020
“Awesome session with so much clarity and information on mindset. The workbook provided lots of great value, thank you so much. The presentation was extremely valuable, you hit a lot of great points that really resonated with us".
TARYN | June 2020
“As a mental health nurse with 32 years of experience, Claire brought lovely ideas with a modern take on methods and advice. Great presentation, created a lovely ambience, very upbeat, it just went by far too quickly”.
CAROLE | February 2020
Featured Podcasts
Less Stress, More Success
By the end of the episode, you will be able to understand the importance of the nervous system, be able to identify the signs and symptoms of dysregulation. I will also leave you with simple strategies you can start today to self-regulate. There are also a few questions I will be answering from my followers at the end of the podcast.
Client Interview - Overcoming Overwhelm
In today’s episode, I am joined by my first guest! Ursula is joining me to talk about her incredible story and journey. She is here to help and inspire you to seek out a positive mindset. We talk about her choice to join my coaching program, what it was like, and her biggest takeaways. This episode is an inside look into the work we do and a sneak peek of the results that you are worthy of.
Break Free From Fear
This week we are diving into fear! I want to talk about what is fear, the difference between healthy and unhealthy fear, and signs that you are living in fear. I will also be giving you practical steps to overcome the fear that you can put into practice today! I will also be suggesting four amazing book reads at the end!
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